The book “Bevar dig selv” – about how you strengthen and maintain your physical and mental resilience.
In 2017, I published the book “Keep yourself safe” at Gyldendal Business.
It was nominated for management book of the year in the same year and is now in its 3rd edition. You can find it as a book, e-book and audiobook. (The audiobook is narrated by me)
“Sullenberger landed the plane with superior precision. The second the birds were sucked into the plane’s engines, he understood that he was now in the crisis of his life – but he knew within himself that he was up to the task, if only he could withstand the stress from taking over his brain”
ROBUSTNESS is about being able to maintain one’s good human qualities when under pressure. Don’t lie sleepless at night, don’t scold, don’t panic, don’t jump to conclusions, don’t lose heart – not even when things are difficult.
Resilience is important when dealing with problems and adversity. And it is extra important because the world changes and challenges you with its unpredictability, its complexity and its breakneck pace.
With well-documented knowledge, living examples and concrete tools, Birgitte Dam Jensen shows how you can become better at meeting the pressure and challenges in your life with positive expectations and relaxed management, in short: with greater resilience.
The book is based on many years of experience in teaching and training soldiers, actors, employees, managers and politicians to maintain the best and healthiest in themselves when they are under pressure.
You can buy it at SAXO where it has 4.5 stars. Here is a selection of the statements at Saxo
“I love books that make good people even better! This one is exceptionally applicable and insightful. And it gets better and better from start to finish.”
“To that extent, I would recommend this book. It has been inspiring to get a concrete and useful explanation of what mental resilience is and practical tools to work with it yourself. And incredibly relevant in 2024!”
“My book has more donkey ears than any other book I’ve read. And it will be this year’s Christmas gift from me to several family members – with a long-lasting effect, I hope and believe! There are phrases, perspectives and advice that I will return to again and again. Formulations, cases and contexts that I want to show certain people. And the most unfortunate social trends are highlighted that must be actively countered in order to develop smarter life balances. I really want to recommend that many private individuals, managers , employees and politicians get this book 🙂 – from someone who cares about them and our stressed society. The book shows that we have a choice – and what we can do.”
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